Lisa Cope Hypnotherapy
Grays Essex
Making real changes through hypnotherapy

What is hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is simply therapy given under hypnosis. Hypnosis is a state of mind, very similar to meditation; it is a feeling of deep relaxation which helps by-pass the conscious thinking mind and accesses the subconscious emotional part of the mind to help create positive changes. Hypnosis on its own does nothing other than to help you feel relaxed, it is being in this relaxed state which enables both you and the Therapist to communicate more effectively and therefore help with the problems you are experiencing
We have all experienced some form of hypnosis probably without realising it. A few examples are: have you ever been completely engrossed in a good book that you’re not concentrating on what is going on around you? Or have you been in a boring meeting where your mind just drifts away and you’re not taking any notice of what is going on or being said? All these states are forms of hypnosis. Hypnosis coupled together with therapy is a great tool to create changes in our lives for the better.